The geological reseaches in the Alborz, Zagros and Central Iran Basins

Mohammad Ghavidel-syooki & Marco Vecoli, 2008.

Palynostratigraphy of Middle Cambrian to lowermost Ordovician stratal sequences in the High Zagros Mountains, southern Iran: Regional stratigraphic implications, and palaeobiogeographic significance

Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology 150 (1-4): 94-114


Ghavidel-syooki , M.(1988)

Palynostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Faraghan Formation of southeastern Iran

A Ph.D dissertation Michigan state University . 279 p. ( Unpublished )

Mohammad Ghavidel -syooki’s Ph. D thesis .pdf

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Palynostratigraphy and Palaeogeography of the Gorgan Schists in southern Gorgan city (southeastern Caspian Sea), eastern Alborz Range, northern Iran.

CIMP Lisbon‘07,joint Meeting of Spores/Pollen and Acritarch Subcommissions,Abstracts Edited by Z. Pereira, j. Tomás Oliveira and r. Wicander. InETI, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 September 2007


Ghavidel-syooki, M., 2006,

Palynostratigraphy and Palaeogeography of Upper Ordovician Sediments (Ghelli Fm.) in Khoshyeilagh Area, northestern Alborz Mountain Range (Kopeh-Dagh Region) of Iran.

Abstract of the International Palaeontology Congress, Beijing Chitina (G2-3).


Ghavidel-syooki, M., 2006,

Palynostratigraphy and Palaeogeography of Cambrian strata (Ziagun, Lalun, Ilebeyk formations) from the high Zagros Mountain Ranges, southern Iran.

Abstract of the International Palaeontology Congress, Beijing Chitina (G2-2).


قویدل سیوکی، محمد(1384)، پژوهشهای پالئوپالینولوژی در واحدهای سنگ چینه ای پالئوزوئیک حوضه های رسوبی زاگرس، البرز و ایران مرکزی، اداره کل روابط عمومي شركت ملي نفت ايران، انتشارات تک رنگ، 460 ص.

Contribution to the paleopalynology of Paleozoic rock units in the Zagros , Alborz and Central Iranian Basins 445 pages in English and Persian

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قويدل سيوكي،محمد(1378)،ا

ديرينه گياهي وتكامل گياهان

انتشارات علوي،410ص

Land Plant Evolution.pdf

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قويدل سيوكي،محمد(1371)، ا

مقدمه اي براصول پالينولوژي و پالئوپالينولوژي طبقات رسوبي پالئوزوئيك، مزوزوئيك و كاربرد آن در اكتشاف نفت و گاز وذغال

روابط عمومي شركت ملي نفت ايران، 565ص


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Ghavidel-syooki, M. and Owens, B., 2007.

Palynostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Padeha, Khoshyeilagh and Mobarak formations in the eastern Alborz Range (Kopeh-Dagh region), northeastern Iran.

Revue de Micropaleontology 50(1):129-144.
